Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Independents drive political change

Closed primaries, mandated by Republicans in 2011, have one intended purpose only: Give the party more control over candidates they want to win in primary elections.

Truly open primaries, that allow every voter to choose a candidate regardless of party, also have one intended purpose only: Give that control back to voters where it belongs.

Barry Johnson, COL U.S. Army (Ret.), Coeur d'Alene Press, Nov 17, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

V4IV Member Christie Wood seeks a new term on Coeur d'Alene City Council

Retired Coeur d’Alene police officer, former North Idaho College board member and incumbent City Councilwoman Christie Wood is preparing to defend her council seat against a far-right political newcomer in Tuesday’s election.

“I’m just really invested in my community,” Wood said. “I just love being a part of the decision-making in my community. I want to contribute.”

Nina Culver, Spokesman-Review, Nov 3, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

VETERANS FOR IDAHO VOTERS: Better government with better elections

A dozen Utah cities use ranked choice voting in municipal elections. County clerks say it is better, faster, and cheaper. Eighty-six percent of Utah voters were satisfied with their voting experience.

Six U.S. states — Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina — use ranked choice voting for military ballots. If we can trust ranked choice voting for active duty soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen and guardians, then we can trust it here.

Todd Achilles, Stan Hall, George Moses, Rich Stivers, Randy Worrall, Twin Falls Times News, Nov 7, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

If you are concerned about RINOs in the Republican Party, support the Open Primaries Initiative

If the Open Primaries Initiative would get RINOs out of the party, why is the current state leadership opposing it?

Some in leadership are less focused on the long-term health of the party and state, and more focused on the short-term goal of getting candidates that agree with them elected. That is easier with a closed Republican primary, even with some RINOs participating. It is more difficult for party leaders to get their candidates elected if every Idahoan can vote. They don’t want to give up that advantage, even if it harms the state and our party.

Randy Sutton, Eric Erickson, Hyrum Erickson, Madison County Republican Central Committee, Rexburg Standard Journal, Nov 3, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Leave no voter behind

The Open Primaries Initiative provides more power for more voters to participate in the elections that their taxes pay for.

Todd Achilles, Marv Hagedorn, Barry Johnson, Jim Jones, Rich Stivers, Scott Syme, Christie Wood, Clearwater Progress, Oct 19, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Open Primaries Initiative is on a roll — thanks to Dorothy Moon

Between the authoritarian bent of Moon’s party leadership and the misconduct of IFF-controlled legislators, voters will be presented with a stark choice at the general election next year — either live with the current system where Moon and her cronies will eventually control who gets elected to office, or vote for the Open Primaries Initiative so that the voters can decide for themselves who will hold important public offices.

Jim Jones, Oct 11, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Official Statement on Idaho’s Open Primaries Initiative

Today the Idaho chapter of Mormon Women for Ethical Government joins the Idahoans for Open Primaries coalition in supporting representative government through free and open elections.

This method of casting and counting ballots seeks to unify rather than to divide us. It aims to produce better leaders with broad support who are incentivized to serve the will of the people and not just a small slice of primary voters. In doing so, it will help foster cooperation and alleviate toxic polarization.

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Judge awards nearly $80K in attorney fees for Idahoans for Open Primaries...

The Idaho Supreme Court has ordered Attorney General Raul Labrador and Secretary of State Phil McGrane to pay Idahoans for Open Primaries nearly $80,000 in attorney fees after it ruled against Labrador over the initiative's proposed ballot titles. The Court ruled that Labrador acted "without a reasonable basis in law in this matter"

Laura Guido, Idaho Press, Oct 6, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Conservatives Should Look More Closely at Systemic Election Reforms

With such widespread and long-standing public discontent with federal governance, it is little wonder that systemic election reforms are being discussed and advanced across the country. Supporters of these various reforms claim they will shake up the system and deliver better candidates and better governance.

Kevin R. Kosar, AEI, Oct 3, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Who’s this ‘we’?

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