Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

VETERANS FOR IDAHO VOTERS: Leave no voter behind

...military veterans are one of the largest blocks of independent voters in Idaho. However, Idaho's closed primaries prevent independent veterans from fully participating in our elections. We served our country but can't vote in primaries. That's just plain wrong.

Todd Achilles, Marv Hagedorn, Barry Johnson, Jim Jones, Rich Stivers, Scott Syme, Christie Wood, Times-News, Sept 19, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

OPINION: Butch Otter’s right: ‘Idaho deserves better’

Which would you prefer? A state leadership focused on your concerns - education, jobs and growth? Or one that gets bogged down fighting over school vouchers, critical race theory and undermining public health initiatives? Finally, the grownups within Idaho's dominant political party have joined the fight...

Editorial, Lewiston Tribune, Sept 15, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

V4IV Press Release, 13 SEP 23

V4IV names former Gov. Otter as Honorary Chairman

"Veterans served their country to preserve and extend the blessings of liberty to all Americans, not to set the stage for party bosses of either party to rig the game. All veterans should have the right to vote in any election in this state, whether primary, general or whatever else. The Open Primaries Initiative will ensure they have that important right," said Iraq War veteran, former State Legislator and V4IV co-founder Scott Syme

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Open Primaries Initiative could return Idaho to itself

If Idaho is to tame extremism, citizens must break its hold by carrying or signing the petition to put the initiative in front of voters. It’s a chance for Idaho to return to its moderate self.

Editorial, Idaho Mountain Express, Sept 1, 2023

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Eric Stamps Eric Stamps

Want Better Governance? Then Improve the Way We Hire Politicians

[The] main problem [with partisan primaries] is that this process tends to select candidates who are not representative of the average voters. This is unsurprising - only 20-25 percent of voters participate in the primaries, and they tend to be further to the left and right than John Q and Jane Q Public.

Kevin R. Kosar, The Hill, July 11, 2023

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