The latest attempt to stop Open Primaries

Veterans for Idaho Voters Statement on Attorney General Labrador’s latest attempt to stop Open Primaries and Proposition 1

Veterans for Idaho Voters (V4IV) has been an active member of the Idahoans for Open Primaries coalition from the first days of the initiative. Our organization is committed to the passage of Proposition 1 (formerly Open Primaries Initiative) because:

• Half of veterans prefer to vote independent, which means that Idaho’s 160,000 vets make up one of the largest groups of 270,000 independent Idaho voters. Veterans served this country but can’t vote in publicly funded primaries. That’s just plain wrong.

We believe that every Idahoan should have the freedom to vote in any taxpayer funded election. Every military veteran swore the same oath to support and defend the Constitution, and that duty compels us to stand up and defend every citizen’s right to vote.

“Attorney General Labrador’s attempt to block the right to vote is an affront to all freedom-loving Idahoans and all those who served”, says V4IV board member, Army veteran and 28-year Veterans Affairs healthcare provider Stan Hall. ”The Idaho Constitution protects the initiative process as a citizen's right. Proposition 1 was fairly certified for the November ballot. This blatant government overreach is the very reason why it is critical to pass this measure and return power to the voter.”

Veterans for Idaho Voters is a cross-partisan organization of Idaho military veterans advocating for fair elections, citizen initiatives, civil politics and sensible policies.

Stan Hall

(208) 546-9312


Veterans for Proposition 1


ANOTHER VIEW: Open Primaries Initiative is voice of Idaho Citizens, not a ‘pernicious plot’