OPINION: Sifting through the OPI blather

by EVAN KOCH/More Perfect Union, https://cdapress.com/news/2024/sep/11/opinion-sifting-through-the-opi-blather/

                      Evan Koch, Chairman, Kootenai County Democrats

As November gets closer, you are going to see a lot of information about the “Yes on 1 for Open Primaries” Initiative. Some of it will be accurate, but a lot will be lies. We encourage voters to be well-informed.  

The Open Primaries Initiative was approved by the Secretary of State and will appear on our November ballot as Proposition 1. Voters should do their best to understand this initiative. 

Let’s start by untangling the Democrat’s perspective. 

We know better than to think Proposition 1 will “turn Idaho blue,” as the Republican Chair has warned. According to research presented by political scientists at a recent Kootenai County Democratic Club meeting, the research is clear: Open primaries and ranked choice voting tend to reduce extreme candidates. However, there is no academic literature that supports the idea that open primaries and ranked choice voting would unilaterally favor Democratic candidates in Idaho. After a similar system was implemented in Alaska in 2020, the state elected the SAME numbers of Democrats and Republicans.

The Republican Chair warns that you will need to sift through “dozens” of candidates if Proposition 1 passes. As leaders of our local parties, he and I both know that convincing even a handful of knowledgeable, highly-qualified people to take on a run for office is a heavy lift. Dozens is absurd, and he knows it. 

Although the Idaho Freedom Foundation credits Democrats for the success of Proposition 1, it’s important that credit is given where credit is due. The Open Primaries Initiative is a Republican reaction to a Republican-created problem. Democrats value inclusion, and our consistently open primary is evidence of that commitment. 

By its very nature, the Democratic party attracts people who are kind-hearted, educated on the issues and determined to fight for the rights of marginalized people. This is why you might see individual Democrats volunteering with Reclaim Idaho. However, Idaho Democrats have not endorsed Proposition 1. In fact, Idaho Democrats approved a statement of neutrality at our June IDP Convention.   

Of the groups that have endorsed Proposition 1, all lean center right.

More than 97,000 Idahoans of all stripes signed petitions to get this issue on the ballot. In fact, 54% of the Open Primaries petition signers in Kootenai County were registered Republicans.

But Idaho’s far right can’t let the truth get in the way of a politically-advantageous narrative. The KCRCC hopes that by repeating wrong information often enough, voters will accept it as true.

The underlying far-right fear around Proposition 1 is that voters won’t be able to pick the true Republican from a lineup without party bosses telling them who to vote for. This is an insult to voters' intelligence.  

Here’s what is true. An open primary will empower all voters to choose candidates who align best with their vision for Idaho. It will also demand that voters be more engaged and educated. It will mean that we elect leaders based on their job qualifications and policy positions, not their party affiliation. 

These are good things. 

To be clear, Proposition 1 merely calls for a nonpartisan primary election, paired with an instant-runoff in the general election. Most importantly, it gives Idaho’s 270,000 independent voters a say in the primary elections. Under an open primary, candidates have more incentive to appeal to a broader range of voters to ensure they have the needed support to win their election. 

Parties could still run and support their own candidates. What they could not do is prevent certain voters from exercising their voice.

The KCRCC opposes Proposition 1 because it will limit the power of their Central Committee to appoint their far right candidates. Voters would choose what they value, not the party apparatus. 

Without a doubt, the KCRCC’s opposition will continue through the summer months and even escalate in the weeks leading up to the election.

It will likely be full of more falsehoods and scare tactics.

The Idaho Democratic Party upholds the principles of democracy, fair representation and broad participation in the electoral process. Our primaries are open to all voters regardless of party affiliation and always have been. This is consistent with our values of increased participation and broad access to our party functions. 

We encourage everyone to thoroughly study Proposition 1 and its effects, both intended and otherwise. An informed and participatory electorate is one sure way to build a More Perfect Union.

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Evan Koch is chairman of the Kootenai County Democrats.


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