Let’s be thankful for Winder’s stand against Senate incivility
Sen. Chuck Winder, the leader of Idaho’s Senate, is a good and patient man. I often disagree with him on issues coming before the Senate, but I don’t question his ethics, temperament and dedication to serving the public. He has watched a decline in civility in the ranks of the Senate and recently took action to bring some of the instigators up short.
He deserves the support of fellow senators and of the wider public. Legislative business suffers when there is continual internal sniping among the members.
In Nov. 6 letters, Winder reprimanded Sens. Scott Herndon, R-Sagle, and Glenneda Zuiderveld, R-Twin Falls, for taking potshots at other senators. He also called out Sen. Brian Lenney, R-Nampa, for attacking and degrading other senators and the public. Zuiderveld and Lenney were stripped of committee leadership positions.